[Art&pic] sam smith-lay me down

Yes, I do, I believe
글 입력 2015.09.20 00:39
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우리가 망설이는 이유도


우리가 다를꺼라는 생각 때문이 아닐까?

헤어짐도, 그리움도, 미련도

우리가 바꿀 수 있을까?

sam smith-lay me down 

Yes, I do, I believe
That one day I will be
Where I was right there
Right next to you

And its hard
The days just seems so dark
The moon, the stars
Are nothing without you

Your touch, your skin
Where do I begin?
No words can explain
The way Im missing you

Deny this emptiness
This hole that Im inside
These tears
They tell their own story

Told me not to cry when you were gone
But the feelings overwhelming, its much too strong

Can I lay by your side?
Next to you, you
And make sure youre alright
Ill take care of you
I dont want to be here if I cant be with you tonight

Im reaching out to you
Can you hear my call?
This hurt that Ive been through
Im missing you, missing you like crazy

You told me not to cry when you were gone
But the feelings overwhelming its much too strong

Can I lay by your side?
Next to you, you
And make sure youre alright
Ill take care of you
I dont want to be here if I cant be with you tonight

Lay me down tonight
Lay me by your side
Lay me down tonight
Lay me by your side
Can I lay by your side?
Next to you

[박주희 에디터]

<저작권자 ⓒ아트인사이트 & www.artinsight.co.kr 무단전재-재배포금지.>
등록번호/등록일: 경기, 아52475 / 2020.02.10   |   창간일: 2013.11.20   |   E-Mail: artinsight@naver.com
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